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Akash-Tandale001's github profile

NewsHash is simple,fast,userfriendly website to fetch updated news from verious domain such as Entertainment,Spots,Technology etc...


Harshu467's github profile

The Future of Fitness is at your place. Get your Body in shape. We do the hard work and you do all heavy lifting. Its Time to own the session

Usability Hub

KhushiVaiskyar's github profile

UsabilityHub is a remote user research platform that takes the guesswork out of design decisions by validating them with real users.


rajputsingh808's github profile

My bookstore website can issue different books and has multiple features.


hritikd3's github profile

CocktailDB is a web application that allows users to explore a vast collection of cocktails, along with their prices, ingredients, and details

Google Clone

akshaykamath45's github profile

This is a Google Clone application built with reactjs JS, featuring a home page, search component, and search results page. It utilizes reactjs JS, Material UI, reactjs Router, and Context API for efficient UI development and state management. The application integrates with the Google Custom Search API for fetching search results. firebase is used for authentication and backend functionalities.


sabhisharma-ise's github profile

Simon is an game of short-term memory skill

Todo List

Rishav1707's github profile

A Todo List is a digital tool designed to help users manage their tasks and stay organized. With this app, users can easily add tasks to their list, edit and update them, and delete tasks as needed.

Entertainment Hub

Krutikajichkar's github profile

This is an Entertainment platform made by fetching IMDB API where you can search trending movies,series,shows,etc provided by the genres

temperature converter

Parmesh119's github profile

This is the application for to convert the temperature from one unit to another unit.